Monday, July 29, 2013

Peace of Your Heart

Labored breathing. Running thoughts. Pulsating heart. Worry causes all kinds of physical sypmtoms along with the emotional ones that are going on inside. It isn't comforing to feel the side effects of worry outwardly or inwardly as we struggle to understand life and all the ups and downs it offers. However, as I've been learning the hard way, God has it all figured out. He knows what's coming next when we're still stuck on the disappointment of the last thing that went wrong. He knows exactly how we're feeling and what is going on in the deepest parts of our heart even when the ones closest to us have no idea. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on you because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal." Find peace in the One who made you and understands the troubles of your heart.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beyond Blessed Part 2

As a continuation of my post yesterday, I want to share about our time in Wales, UK. It was also an amazing experience and opportunity. We were able to partner with a church over there called City Temple and participate in many ministry opportunities that touched the hearts of the people over there as well as our own team. Through this experience, God challenged me in areas of my life that I need to work on and grow in. Although it isn't the most fun, it was definitely needed. He also called me to step out into some ministry opportunities that stretched the boundaries of my comfort level but in the end were so worth the stretch. I am so thankful to have been able to go to both Africa and Wales. They were amazing experiences that will forever impact my life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beyond Blessed Part 1

This is my first blog since before I left for Swaziland, Africa. The experience is something that can't be captured with words because it goes so much deeper. Pictures of the kids and the people there continually run through my head reminding me of toothy smiles, sweet laughter and tears of sadness and joy. For me, God brought new perspective through this experience. He revealed to me the outpouring of blessing that has been flowing through my life as I saw kids caring for younger siblings as a result of no parental care, the poverty and lack of village people living out of small huts, the pure looks and touches of adoration towards our team as the kids received love and attention. The opportunities for God to show me the blessing in my life were endless. I sit here now, on the patio with my laptop knowing this luxury alone is more than they would ask for. I can't fully express the impact that was made in my life. Africa and the people there are engraved on my heart forever.