Proverbs 15:11 Death and Destruction lie open before the Lord-
how much more do human hearts!
Proverbs is my favorite book in the Bible because it offers such wisdom and knowledge. Among the verses in Proverbs, I read the verse above and was assured that God is the keeper of our hearts. He knows everything that is going to happen before it happens (the death and destruction part plays into that area) and even more so, He knows our hearts. He understands our needs, our dreams, our hurts, our disappointments, and even our deepest desires. How intimate!! God longs for us to know Him like He knows us. To dive into the deepest recesses of His heart and to know His desires and His dreams! So today, be secure in God's love for you and know that He loves you because He took the time to put those things in your heart which you may not understand but He sure does. Also, take time to get to know the One who created you and learn more about what He desires!! Don't let your side of the relationship be stagnant, make it an intimate exchange!
Love the last sentence. Any relationship is a give and take. We need to give to God as much as we take and be willing to let Him see the deepest recesses of our souls and be willing to see all of Him as well.
ReplyDeleteYou got it Brenda!!