Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Purpose Through Pain

Psalm 119:71 My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.

I don't always understand the things that happen to me or around me. Honestly, sometimes things that happen upset me, frustrate me, sadden me, stress me out and overwhelm me. Even though those are my feelings in the moment of the situation, I realize after it is over that it had a purpose. Whether that was to strengthen me, awaken me, challenge me, stretch me, or grow me. God has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. His ways are not our ways. In the midst of a devastating circumstance it may seem impossible to see the purpose but God has one. A song by Kerrie Roberts called No Matter What says, "...before a heartache can ever touch my life it has to go through your hands." God is aware of what you are going through, He knows what is happening and why because it had to pass through Him first! God can take your hopelessness and create a story of great joy. He can take your unforgiveness and create a story that reveals His unending redemption. He can take your past of insecurities and make it into a story of His passionate love for you! The possibilities are endless through the mighty God we serve!! Look to Him through your circumstance even when you don't understand. He will show you the way!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS...the song, this post, the message...ALL are TRUTH!!
    THANK YOU for this reminder today.
