Thursday, September 26, 2013

God Has New For You

Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

What new thing is God doing in your life or in your heart? Many times we can be tricked by the enemy that we are stagnant, that God is not doing anything new in our hearts or in our lives. He reminds us of our past failures, our shortcomings, our flaws, but God has said that he is doing new, exciting things. I believe there is always something that God is speaking and doing in our lives that requires our attention because it is new. Pursue those things and allow God to bring new perspective, fresh vision, and a changed way of life. He's ready to show you that new thing, are you ready to allow it to change your heart?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Push Past Pleasing

1 Thessalonians 2:4
We are not trying to please people but God who tests our hearts.

It is so hard in today's society of people-pleasing not to be overwhelmed by the pressure and demands that others place on our lives. We want to please our parents, our friends, our peers and those we feel are watching us. However, God has called us to listen to HIS voice and HIS guidance and not get distracted by the world around us. Luke 6:26 says, “There’s trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular."

Sometimes the decision or lifestyle God is calling you to is not going to be popular. Those around you may not agree or support you and that is when the true test of pleasing God over people truly comes in. Will you make the decision to follow what God has spoken or give in and attemp to please people?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Heart at Peace

Proverbs 14:30 A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

I recently listened to a podcast series by Andy Stanley titled the Comparison Trap. I was so convicted when I listened to his message and really took time to understand this scripture. When we envy what others have or who they are, we are not going to have peace or be at rest with who God has made us to be. Envy causes us to look everywhere but at ourselves, it doesn't allow us to see the potential and talents we posses. We're constantly comparing ourselves to others and are never able to see the things God has placed in us to do and be. Stop your roaming eyes and allow God to show you what YOU were made to be, not what another person was made to be.

If you'd like to hear more about this topic, I highly recommend you listen to Andy Stanley's series titled Comparison Trap. It is a three part series that will change your perspective. Click on the link below and enjoy! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Look Beyond the Suface

Today marks the 11th year anniversary of 9/11. As many Americans grieve the loss of their loved ones, it is a time of great sorrow. I cannot help but think of the countless lives that were taken that day and the lives of all the people affected. It reminds me that we never know the stories of the faces we pass every day. The woman in wal-mart who has screaming babies that she can't seem to keep under control, the cashier at Starbucks who was rude and short-tempered, the little girl that mistakenly latched onto your leg thinking it was her mom, the teenage boy on the street corner drowning his depression and lack of worth in another high. Many times we see these faces at a glance and never take the time to think below the surface of the hurts and the story behind the actions of their lives. That woman in wal-mart? She just found out her husband is leaving her and her screaming babies for another woman. The cashier at Starbucks who was rude and short-tempered? He just found out that his mother has cancer and a short time to live. The little girl who latched onto your leg? She just found out she was given up at birth by her mother who didn't want her.The teenage boy seeking another high? He was abused by his father as a child and is seeking any kind of escape to forget the horrid memories.

We all have a story. We all matter. Take time to look beyond the surface, to really see a person for more than they seem to be.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Never Underestimate

Have you ever received a word of encouragement, a gift, or an undeserved act of kindness that was unexpected? I know I can think of many times where this happened to me and it meant the world! Never underestimate the power that you have to brighten someone's day or even make their entire week better. Those unexpected times of love from others have stuck with me and still make me smile. Even when there isn't a response of thankfulness on their part, God may be creating opportunities for growth in your heart. Think of someone today that you could step out and touch with a word, a gift, or an act. You have the power to make a difference. Don't take it for granted.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Loving in the Midst

Don't you just love when you go out of your way to buy something, say something or do something for someone who doesn't appreciate it the way you'd like them to? Ok, I was a little bit sarcastic with that statement and that is what God has been working with me on. It is so hard to buy, say or do things for people who don't appreciate what you've done for them and on the other hand, it's so easy to want to do things for those that do appreciate whatever it was that was done. However, giving love isn't meant to be convenient for us. It's meant to be patient, forgiving, and persevering, which is extremely hard when the love you're giving isn't being reciprocated. God has called us to give and to love in the midst of difficult circumstances and trying situations. He loved in the midst of being crucified and in the midst of our sin and our failure, he still gives, he still loves. He's called us to that kind of living. Even when it's hard and it doesn't seem fruitful to do so, keep giving, keep loving those that you may not want to give to or love anymore. It's said, “Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I need it the most.”