Monday, May 19, 2014

No Strings Attached

1 Corinthians 13:7 always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love. It's' easy to give to those whom reciprocate what we offer. God has been teaching me such a hard but necessary lesson concerning the topic. When I offer love to others, I want it back. Who doesn't? But that isn't always the case. It's opened my eyes to the love that God offers us every time we reject him, walk away from him, refuse to offer thanks for things he's done, or simply refuse to run towards him as he lavishes love on us. Not only does God love and run after those that want nothing to do with him, but he does it with those that do want his love and fall short of loving him in return. Love perseveres. Our culture has it so backwards. We've decided to say, "I'll love you, if you love me". Since when do we need to wait for others to love us back to love them and let them know that we do? Since when did Christ's love become so conditional? 

It's hard, especially when it feels as if the person you're loving doesn't seem to care or have any similar feelings in return. However, I just can't hold back my love from those that need it so badly when I think about all the times that God has unconditionally loved me. In spite of my failures, in spite of my flaws, in spite of my bad behavior, in spite of all of my short comings, he still loves. Who do you find yourself holding back love from because they aren't expressing any in return? Today I challenge you to reach out to them and let them know that you care, that you love them and expect nothing in return, no strings attached. That's when we find ourselves expanding our capacity to love as Christ has loved us. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Discipline of Love

Deuteronomy 8:5 Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.

Remember when you were little and your mom or dad would ask you to look at them when you were in trouble or did something wrong and you would maybe avoid eye contact but they would be adamant about having your eye contact before they continued with what they were going to say? The other day God gave me a picture of myself standing before him but my head was looking down and away, anywhere but his face. He then called my name and gently lifted my chin so that I was looking into his face. Rather than seeing anger, sadness, disappointment, or rejection, I saw unconditional love, grace, forgiveness, and compassion. When your parents disciplined you as a child (if they were in a healthy state), it was out of their love for you and their desire for you to be the best you could be even though a lot of times you didn't see it that way.

 When our Father in Heaven disciplines us, it is out of his sheer love for us. Many people think that God is mad at them, unwilling to forgive them for mistakes they've made, when in fact, it is quite the opposite. God is rejoicing over you, singing melodies over you and loving you for who you are. Don't be ashamed to look in his face, don't avoid eye contact with him, it's in the loss of eye contact with him that we find ourselves slipping even further away from the love that he offers. The enemy would love for us to lose sight of God's face, to give in to self doubt and lies, but that is not where we are meant to dwell. God loves you and wants you to look to his face today. You may be surprised by the expression you see waiting for you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Be an Example

Psalm 71:7 My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.

Do you allow God to be your strength and protection? If so, your life is an example to many. When you are able to rely on God in times of uncertainty, weakness and fear, it relinquishes control. Our human frailties cause us to falter and lose control, but God never does. God's strength and protection in our lives is so much more of a testimony than relying on our own strength and protection to get us through. If you think about it, it's especially good news for non-believers. When they see an inner strength that doesn't come from man, they're curious and even hopeful for a love and strength and protection that can only be gained from a relationship with Christ. Let your life speak through your actions. Let your life be an example to many as you rely on God's strength and protection and not your own. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Human Trafficking in Action

What would you do to save your child, sister, friend, mother, brother, or father from manual and/or sexual labor? Human trafficking is happening today and it is going on whether we are aware of it or not.
          1 Men, women, and children are being sold into slavery and an estimated 27,000,000 are being held against their will. The average age of a trafficking victim is 12 years of age and it is becoming younger as clients want "fresh" product. 1-2 % of victims are ever rescued and 1 in 100,000 European traffickers are ever convicted.

Awareness. One simple word that will help our nation come to realize the injustice that is going on around them. However, it doesn't stop there, ACTION is what it takes to change things around us. You can be the one who challenges those around you to rise up and be a voice for the voiceless. There are so many ways that you can get involved in abolishing human trafficking. Purchase merchandise that causes others to ask questions, write a blog, post articles that raise awareness on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., rally your friends/family for a fundraiser, give financially to organizations that rescue trafficking victims, create a YouTube video and post it, the opportunities to spread awareness are endless.

Here are just two great sources that will equip you to equip others:

The A21 Campaign is an organization that seeks to abolish injustice in the 21st century. The founder of the organization is Christine Caine and she is passionate about raising awareness and educating those around the world about the injustice of slavery. To learn more about the organization and their mission, ways to take action, purchase merchandise that raises awareness, and donate, visit the website at

Another great tool in spreading awareness is to purchase Tiffany Pastor's book, Children of the City. It is a novel on human trafficking in America that captures your attention from the first page and stirs in the reader the desire to take action. Although it is a fiction novel, it is a reality that is real and happening among us. Purchase it at

1 "THE FACTS." The Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014.