Thursday, December 18, 2014

Life and College Algebra

It's so interesting to me the experiences one can go through in life and the valuable lessons that come out of unexpected situations. For me, some unexpected life lessons came in the form of one of my college algebra. 

To give you some context, this fall semester was my first step back into the world of education since high school. Having taken two years off after high school (two years I wouldn't trade), I decided to go back to school. All of my education to this point had been fairly easy for me, I excelled academically all throughout school and never had to work really hard for the grades I wanted. There was a very rude awakening headed my way. In the first week of my college algebra class, I was overwhelmed and feeling anything but prepared for the semester ahead of me. In the midst of completing a ridiculous amount of homework for the first test we were going to have in two weeks, I considered dropping the class and getting my refund. I thought, "why stay in a class I think I'm going to fail anyway?" However, I decided to stick with it and I am so glad I did. Here are some of the lessons I learned:

1. Giving up because you think you will fail is already a failure. 
Before I had even given myself a chance to think about the "what if I succeed," I was already thinking about the chance at failure. I didn't know I would fail, I just thought I would and that scared me. I didn't want to fail a class my first semester (or at all). But I realized along the way that trying and failing is whole lot better than never trying at all. Also, what if I were to succeed?

2. Hard work pays off.
As I said above, I never really had to work for my grades in elementary, middle or high school. I quickly realized to pass the class and get the grade I wanted, I would need to work hard; put in hours that I could be spending doing other things, study when instead I wanted to go to bed, and most importantly apply myself whole-heartedly to something that wasn't my most favorite.

3. We are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for.
I had written myself off as not even passing the class from the very first day. However, throughout the semester I worked hard, received help, and exceeded even what I knew I could do. At the beginning I thought, "I'll be lucky if I even pass this class," but as time went on, I realized I was accomplishing a whole lot more than that small expectation. I ended the class with a B and finished toward the top of my class. When we set our minds to something and believe in our ability, we can do a lot more than when we limit ourselves to small thinking.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

5 Free Gifts You Can Give This Christmas

1. Love
It seems cheesy and so cliche but it truly is one the greatest gifts we can give to others. Some of the most memorable moments in my life are times when someone went out of their way to say or show that they love me. Whether it was a card that expressed their love, a simple gift that said they were thinking of me, or hug that says they care.

2. Joy
Have you ever been around someone that exudes joy from every pore? It's refreshing and uplifting to be around those kinds of people. This holiday season CHOOSE JOY. Choose joy when the employee at the cash register has a bad attitude, choose joy when that one person you can't stand finds you in the store to say hello, choose joy when you burn the pie you were supposed to bring to the family dinner- simply choose joy. Those around you will be encouraged by the simple choice you make- JOY.

3. Humility
Christmas can tend to bring out the competitive side of us. We want to out-do and out-buy everyone else. However hard it is for you to simply do what you can do and be satisfied with it, try this season to be humble. When humility is a part of your character, others feel at peace with who they are around you. Let others be ushered into a presence of less striving to be someone they're not and more being who they are.

4. Friendship

Those who find a true friend, find a treasure. You have so much to offer someone who is lonely and need of companionship-the gift of friendship. So many people are more lonely than ever in the holiday season and it is your opportunity to come alongside a lonely soul and offer a listening ear, a place at your dinner table, and a sense of belonging.

5. Jesus
Do you know some people who are lost and searching for answers? Jesus is the answer and He is the reason for this holiday season. Now is a perfect time to invite them to church or to tell them about the One who can fill the void of emptiness in their heart. Jesus is the greatest gift we can all receive this Christmas as we embrace the love and hope he offers us.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Feel the Pain

Recently I heard lyrics to a song called, "Habits (Stay High)" by Tove Lo. I was shocked to hear the graphic description of how to avoid the pain and heartbreak that occurs in life. Here are some of the lyrics:

"You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh"

Have we really bought the lie that staying high is a healthy way to avoid pain or the problems going on in our lives? I hope not, but this generation is being bombarded with these kind of lyrics and they are buying it (figuratively and literally). They're told to numb the pain, numb negative emotions through drugs, alcohol and sex. However, the thing the media isn't saying is that it creates more problems for the individual after coming off of that high or attempt at numbing the pain. Numbing the pain only works for a little while. John Greene says, "Pain demands to be felt" and I agree with him. Until we deal with the problems going on in our lives and feel the impact of the pain, we will never move past it. When we we numb negative emotions, we numb the positive ones with it. I think it's more effective to convey that pain is meant to be felt, that it is healthy to walk through pain without avoiding the side effects. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

It's Your Choice

I've been creating and writing this blog for about 3 years now and as I think about all the things that I've written about and shared with you, I realize that all of my posts have been lessons I'm learning as I go about my daily life. Some things small and others big, but lessons nonetheless. I enjoy writing and sharing the things that I am learning with you in hopes that I can offer encouragement and hope. 
I want to say thank you to all of you that have constantly supported me and taken the time to read my blog posts, it means so much to me. 

I'm in one of those seasons of life where I am learning so many necessary life lessons that help me grow and become a better version of myself. Even though it is difficult, I wouldn't change the circumstances to avoid the lessons that I'm learning along the way. One of those lessons is the choice that I have on a day-to-day basis to choose my attitude and my perspective about my life and the things that happen. I have a conscious decision to choose a negative or positive reaction and to see the negative or positive things in people and circumstances. I get the choice to choose joy over sadness, love over hate, grace over blame, and peace over anxiety. There's a quote that perfectly sums up what I've been learning and it says, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Story Worth Telling

I was reminded again this morning just how powerful stories are. New Life Church had the privilege of hearing Ron and Lynette Lewis's story. If you haven't heard their story I encourage you to look it up and be inspired. The way they give glory to God and whisper hope into the hearts of those listening infuses life into the room. 

Stories have a way of connecting, touching and transforming. Stories unfold in movies that we love, stories come to life in books that we read, and stories are being built in our own lives and the lives of everyone around us. Stories. Have you ever taken the time to think about how your story can impact lives? Before you get to thinking about all the ways your story isn't exciting or worth telling, think of the ways you connect with someone else's story. Is it the way they had things all together at every moment of every day? Is it the way they never made mistakes or revealed their vulnerability? Probably not. We connect with stories of real humans living real and sometimes messy life. People who don't always have it all together and admit it. Don't you think your story has some piece of wisdom or hope for someone else to grab hold of? Your story matters, your voice matters. You will never know the impact of sharing your story with others until you do it. Your story just might connect with the heart of another and let them know their story is not over, there are still chapters to be written. You have no idea what hangs in the balance of someone who needs to hear what your story has to offer. Share your story, it's worth telling. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Eye Contact

Matthew 14:29-31 Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water."
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

God has been using the story of Peter walking on water to teach me how to navigate difficult situations or seasons of life. The key thing that He's been pointing out about this story is the part where Peter "saw the wind". For Peter to see the wind he had to have taken his eyes off of Jesus and been overwhelmed with the obstacle he saw- and because he took his eyes off of Jesus he was afraid and began to sink. When I start to feel overwhelmed with a situation or just with life in general, I feel Jesus calling me to keep my eyes fixed on him. When I begin to sink I call out, "Lord, save me!" and Jesus reaches out his hand and catches me and says, "You of little faith, why did you doubt? Why did you take your eyes off of me?" It's a trend. Every time I take my eyes off my Jesus, I feel afraid, I doubt and I begin to sink. But all it takes for me to get back on track is to re-fix my gaze on Jesus. He is peace. He is strength. He is guidance. He is comfort. He is my future. And the best way we can avoid sinking in life is to keep our eyes fixed on His. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

God Does the Guiding

Everyone has an opinion. About almost everything. I've found this to be especially true as I've been navigating the direction my life is going and the decisions I have to make to get me going that way. "You should do [fill in the blank]" or "No, you should do [fill in the blank]." The voices of people I love and respect and even those of acquaintances and random strangers are rolling around in my mind fighting for control of the decision I should make. 

I'm not saying that we should disregard what others have to say or the advice they have to give. The Bible is clear that we are to seek wisdom and correction from those that are wiser and more experienced than we are. However, when we begin to go along with what other people are saying without praying and taking into consideration what God is saying then there is a problem. Aside from missing what God has directed us to do, we are also going to end up disappointing someone in our lives because not every person we want to please has the same opinion about what we should do. In Psalm 118:8, it says, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust humans." If we base all of our decisions off of what other people say without listening to what God is telling us to do, we will end up far from where we're supposed to be with little or no peace, anxiety, confusion, frustration, etc. Things don't end well when we're so caught up with what other people think and what we can do to please them. Sometimes we have to make a decision based on what God is saying and what is best for the situation and that isn't always going to satisfy the people we love and respect and that is OK. You do you. 

I'm not sharing this with you because I have it all figured out or because I've grown a whole lot in this area. I'm sharing this with you because I don't have it all figured out and I'm still learning and growing as I go. I'm sharing this because I want you to know that you aren't alone. I think we all have the desire to be accepted for who we are, what we decide to do and what we don't decide to do with our lives. We want to belong. But sometimes the things God calls us to do are not going to be widely accepted, they aren't going to be seen as the best choice. Bob Goff posted a quote the other day that said, "Tell people who they are, not what they want. We do the loving; God does the guiding." Let's allow God to do the guiding. When we are in the center of people's will for our lives there's only striving and performance; when we're in the center of God's will for our lives there's peace and rest. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Gift

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

January 2014, I began to pray about what one word or phrase God had for me in the year of 2014. As I prayed, the word that God spoke to me was JOY. Joy, God? What does that mean? I thought about my life as it pertained to joy and I felt like I was lacking joy, zeal for life. The next few months passed and I ended up sitting at a table in Jason's Deli (of all places) across from my dear friend sharing with her the frustration I was experiencing with the lack of joy I was feeling in my life and the unsuccessful job I was doing at "finding joy". I poured out my confusion as she quietly listened. After I was finished, she so lovingly said, "Bri, I don't think joy is something you have to find or strive for, the Holy Spirit has given it to you as a gift." Right there, it hit me. I discovered the lesson that God had in mind to teach me all along. Joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and self-control...they are all fruits of the Spirit. They are not fruits of Brianna (substitute your name). They are not characteristics to be obtained or searched for, they are offered, given to me, living in me as I operate out of the Spirit that is living inside me. I was so freed by this revelation because it was then that I stopped striving for joy and I was able to accept the gift of the Spirit that is living in me, with me at all times. I think it is so common to feel like we need to search for and find the things that we lack, but some things can simply be found by accepting the gifts that God has offered us through His Spirit living inside of us. Have you been feeling a lack of joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? Maybe it's time you stopped searching and accepted the gift of the Spirit living in you. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pressed But Not Defeated

Have you ever been in a difficult season of life and thought back to a previous difficult season of life and now that previous difficult season seems easy compared to this more recent season of difficulty? That was a lot to think about in one sentence, but read it again and think about it. The days when children think it's hard being a kid, the days when high schoolers think that the drama they're involved in just might be the end of the world, when college studies seem like they'll never end (and I can't speak much past that, because that's where I'm at). As I've been learning, growing up comes with new responsibilities, new difficulties and it can make you long for the days when your biggest problem was figuring out what to do with all your free time. However, growing up has also made me realize how precious and valuable time really is, what a gift it is. It's SO important to enjoy the seasons as they come and to see those difficulties as things that will soon pass. They are but a vapor. I want to suggest that while we may not be in a season that is particularly easy right now, it will get better. The dawn comes with the morning. We are pressed but not defeated.

There's also something to be said of the way our trials look easier in hindsight. It's a sign of growth. Our trials make us stronger, they refine us and shape us to be better versions of ourselves than we thought possible before walking through a difficult season of life. While you may not want to repeat a certain season of life, you made it through. You came out victorious on the other side and that is what matters. If you're facing a difficult season of life right now, remember those other difficult seasons and remember that you are still here, you are still fighting and you're going to make it through this one too. Don't give up, don't lose ground. Take one step at a time and keep your head up high. You are pressed but not defeated.

Friday, September 19, 2014

A True Apprentice

Matthew 10:41-42 "This is a large work I've called you into, but don't be overwhelmed by it. It's best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing."

Legend. Chances are, you hear that word and think of a name, you think of someone whom you may admire or aspire to be. Have you ever thought of all that someone else has accomplished and felt that your accomplishments paled in comparison? It's so easy to get caught up in all that other people are accomplishing and doing that we forget about the little things we do on a day-to-day basis that make a BIG difference over time. Today we see all the accomplishments that others are achieving through social media and even as we are surrounded by those people whom seem to be the modern day Mother Theresa, and let's be honest... it can be downright discouraging. You may feel like you will never measure up, you'll never accomplish as much, you'll never make the New York Times Best Seller list, you'll never be an inspirational speaker traveling all over the country speaking to crowds of thousands, you'll never have the best selling song on the ITunes chart (Ok, I'm probably fueling your overwhelming feelings of "I'm not enough") BUT let me encourage you with this: YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE (even if in the little things) and YOU ARE USABLE. God is in the business of lifting us up out of our brokenness into the glorious work of drawing others into His family. Just like it says in the scripture above, "The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice." Every little thing you do matters, it counts. Don't be overwhelmed, don't be discouraged- moms at home with your kids, students in school, business men and women in the workplace, grandparents in all are making a difference. Let us run the race set before us and stop comparing what others' accomplishments look like next to ours. "The smallest act of giving or receiving makes YOU a true apprentice." YOU. ARE. USABLE.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders 
Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my savior."

-Oceans by Hilsong

You are probably familiar with the song Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hilsong as I've written some of the lyrics above. Recently, those lyrics came alive for me. In a series of events that started with a mission trip to Guatemala (that I honestly didn't initially want to go on) and ending with an unexpected twist in my plans for next year, I discovered so much meaning in the lyrics of that song. "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me." That first line played in my head and even came out of my mouth as I sang it in my room in Guatemala realizing that I had, despite my resistance, took a step of faith and gone anyway. In that realization, I discovered so much spiritual reward that week as I served the Guatemalan people and received so much in return. 

However, the second line, "Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my savior" came alive to me after I retuned. Taking a shower, reflecting on the twist in my plans that I mentioned earlier, I heard God calling my name. "Brianna," He said, "Don't sing that song to me if you don't really want to trust me without borders and allow me to take you deeper than your feet could wander and your faith be made stronger." I was stunned. That simple statement brought to mind the many times I had been singing that song over the last few days without really wanting those lyrics to take root and action in my life. 

God, you can take me deep but not where I can't see my feet beneath the water. 
God, you can have my trust but I need some borders, some boundaries to be safe.
God, call me out to the great unknown but not Guatemala. Not anywhere I don't want to go. Not a place I don't know, with people I don't know.
God, allow me to grow but within my comfort zone. Where I'm safe and sound and I know everyone and everything. 

It felt as if God had taken both my shoulders in his hands and shook me. "Wake up daughter!!" "Can't you see that I'VE got this? You can no longer hold onto control. You have no idea the plans and paths I have for you to take, but I do! If you are ready to follow through with what this song requires of you to do, then let go. Trust me completely. Walk on the water and let me hold you up." 

I struggle with trusting that God has a plan, that he knows what's coming next and he will let me know what that plan is when the time is right. In my head I know it, but my heart wants to shout out the fact that time is running out for me to catch the train to my next destination or track in life. I'm a planner and I want to know well in advance what I am to do, go and be. But God has been teaching me especially over the last three years as I made the transition from Great Falls to Colorado Springs, that He is in control. He hasn't left me to figure things out on my own and he's not going to. I'm learning very slowly that it's OK not to have everything figured out in life, that it's OK to trust completely that God has it all under control and He's not going to let me down, that in life it's about taking one step at a time and allowing God to reveal the next one as he sees fit. There's so much more peace and joy in that assurance. I can't say I'll never stumble in this area again, but I can say that each lesson I learn, I grow more every day. I am thankful for that opportunity as well as the chance to share it with you. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

No Strings Attached

1 Corinthians 13:7 always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love. It's' easy to give to those whom reciprocate what we offer. God has been teaching me such a hard but necessary lesson concerning the topic. When I offer love to others, I want it back. Who doesn't? But that isn't always the case. It's opened my eyes to the love that God offers us every time we reject him, walk away from him, refuse to offer thanks for things he's done, or simply refuse to run towards him as he lavishes love on us. Not only does God love and run after those that want nothing to do with him, but he does it with those that do want his love and fall short of loving him in return. Love perseveres. Our culture has it so backwards. We've decided to say, "I'll love you, if you love me". Since when do we need to wait for others to love us back to love them and let them know that we do? Since when did Christ's love become so conditional? 

It's hard, especially when it feels as if the person you're loving doesn't seem to care or have any similar feelings in return. However, I just can't hold back my love from those that need it so badly when I think about all the times that God has unconditionally loved me. In spite of my failures, in spite of my flaws, in spite of my bad behavior, in spite of all of my short comings, he still loves. Who do you find yourself holding back love from because they aren't expressing any in return? Today I challenge you to reach out to them and let them know that you care, that you love them and expect nothing in return, no strings attached. That's when we find ourselves expanding our capacity to love as Christ has loved us. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Discipline of Love

Deuteronomy 8:5 Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.

Remember when you were little and your mom or dad would ask you to look at them when you were in trouble or did something wrong and you would maybe avoid eye contact but they would be adamant about having your eye contact before they continued with what they were going to say? The other day God gave me a picture of myself standing before him but my head was looking down and away, anywhere but his face. He then called my name and gently lifted my chin so that I was looking into his face. Rather than seeing anger, sadness, disappointment, or rejection, I saw unconditional love, grace, forgiveness, and compassion. When your parents disciplined you as a child (if they were in a healthy state), it was out of their love for you and their desire for you to be the best you could be even though a lot of times you didn't see it that way.

 When our Father in Heaven disciplines us, it is out of his sheer love for us. Many people think that God is mad at them, unwilling to forgive them for mistakes they've made, when in fact, it is quite the opposite. God is rejoicing over you, singing melodies over you and loving you for who you are. Don't be ashamed to look in his face, don't avoid eye contact with him, it's in the loss of eye contact with him that we find ourselves slipping even further away from the love that he offers. The enemy would love for us to lose sight of God's face, to give in to self doubt and lies, but that is not where we are meant to dwell. God loves you and wants you to look to his face today. You may be surprised by the expression you see waiting for you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Be an Example

Psalm 71:7 My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.

Do you allow God to be your strength and protection? If so, your life is an example to many. When you are able to rely on God in times of uncertainty, weakness and fear, it relinquishes control. Our human frailties cause us to falter and lose control, but God never does. God's strength and protection in our lives is so much more of a testimony than relying on our own strength and protection to get us through. If you think about it, it's especially good news for non-believers. When they see an inner strength that doesn't come from man, they're curious and even hopeful for a love and strength and protection that can only be gained from a relationship with Christ. Let your life speak through your actions. Let your life be an example to many as you rely on God's strength and protection and not your own. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Human Trafficking in Action

What would you do to save your child, sister, friend, mother, brother, or father from manual and/or sexual labor? Human trafficking is happening today and it is going on whether we are aware of it or not.
          1 Men, women, and children are being sold into slavery and an estimated 27,000,000 are being held against their will. The average age of a trafficking victim is 12 years of age and it is becoming younger as clients want "fresh" product. 1-2 % of victims are ever rescued and 1 in 100,000 European traffickers are ever convicted.

Awareness. One simple word that will help our nation come to realize the injustice that is going on around them. However, it doesn't stop there, ACTION is what it takes to change things around us. You can be the one who challenges those around you to rise up and be a voice for the voiceless. There are so many ways that you can get involved in abolishing human trafficking. Purchase merchandise that causes others to ask questions, write a blog, post articles that raise awareness on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., rally your friends/family for a fundraiser, give financially to organizations that rescue trafficking victims, create a YouTube video and post it, the opportunities to spread awareness are endless.

Here are just two great sources that will equip you to equip others:

The A21 Campaign is an organization that seeks to abolish injustice in the 21st century. The founder of the organization is Christine Caine and she is passionate about raising awareness and educating those around the world about the injustice of slavery. To learn more about the organization and their mission, ways to take action, purchase merchandise that raises awareness, and donate, visit the website at

Another great tool in spreading awareness is to purchase Tiffany Pastor's book, Children of the City. It is a novel on human trafficking in America that captures your attention from the first page and stirs in the reader the desire to take action. Although it is a fiction novel, it is a reality that is real and happening among us. Purchase it at

1 "THE FACTS." The Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Testimony of God's Faithfulness

God is so faithful. Especially to provide for things He's called us to do, whether it's that we are the answer to our own prayer or he sends someone else. As many of you know, my sister will be going on the World Race next year through A.I.M. (Adventures In Missions) for nine months and I will be going to Guatemala in June for a week on a short term mission trip. These trips don't just pay for themselves and they aren't cheap by any means. My sister received an anonymous donation of $8,500 and my trip was covered through the internship I am currently involved in. My sister still has about $3,000 to raise but we are standing in faith believing that all the funds will be covered. I just want to encourage you to dare to believe for BIG things. I think a trap that we all fall into is thinking that our dreams or the things that God has called us to do are limited by physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, or mental boundaries that cannot be overcome. But our God is bigger than any thing that stands in the way of the dream/vision that He has put in our hearts. My sister and I's story is a testimony of the faithfulness of God to provide in ways we never thought possible and the deep realization that God will always meet us when we step out on the waters of uncertainty. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Access Denied

Take a minute (in some cases it may not even take that much time) to think of someone that you would love to meet and spend some time around and in turn, have them be interested in spending time getting to know you!

New Life Church recently welcomed Christine Caine to speak at a women's event on a Saturday morning and our two main services on Sunday morning. While I, along with many others, was so excited to learn from and sit under her teaching, God gave me a revelation. It can be so easy to idolize well known speakers, singers, actors and actresses, whom may even be Christians. It's great to have mentors, leaders, and friends, that we look up to and learn from, but Christians can tend to justify idolizing people because they are doing great things for God. While there is no doubt that there are awesome things that these people are doing, it does not justify our putting them above God and the place that he should have in our hearts and lives. 

God also reminded me that if we had the same passion and zeal for wanting to meet with him and spend some time around him as much as we want to spend time around the people on this earth that we want to meet, our relationship with him would be a whole lot deeper. He is the Creator, the One who formed you and knew you before you were even born. He has given you access to His presence and there is no time constraint or long line to wait in before you can meet with Him. And not only does he know who you are, he knows you, knows the deepest parts about you. How awesome is that? The Creator of the earth, the One who formed you, knows you and wants to spend time with you! You don't have to watch from afar and wish that he'd come and spend some time with you, you have access right now. There has never been, nor will there ever be a time when your access is denied.  

Friday, February 7, 2014

Failing To The Top

"If Babe Ruth had had the philosophy, "Failure is not an option," then you and I would have never heard of him. Why? Because not only did Babe Ruth set a world record for home runs, he also led the league in strikeouts." -The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

I have been so challenged by this statement made by Jeff Olson in his book, The Slight Edge. I am realizing that there have been many opportunities that I have passed by or chosen not to get involved in because I was afraid of failure. Jeff Olson also said, "Successful people fail their way to the top!" I think it is so easy to want to go straight to the top financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but I often struggle to step out and do the things that may cause me to fail the first, second, and tenth times I try them. I have just begun to see the freedom that comes with allowing myself to fail, to make a total mess of things and be OK with it. Not only does it bring freedom, it also creates an atmosphere of peace. It takes the pressure and anxiety out of trying to be perfect at things I may be trying for the first time or things that I have attempted over and over again. It is better to have tried something than to look back with regret at the things that I let pass me by, simply because I was afraid to fail.  

What is that exciting opportunity you've let pass you by? What new thing(s) have you wanted to try? Do it. Step out in boldness, knowing that failing at something does not mean that you're a failure as someone. Your worth as a son or daughter of Christ is not in failure, it is secure in Him who made you to step out in faith and try new things even when you don't get it right every single time. Why? Because each time we fail, we learn something new. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hold Nothing Back

1 Corinthians 15:58 With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort. 

"And don't hold back." I keep reading that line over and over again, asking God and myself if there are any areas in my life where I am holding back. Are there any areas in your life that you can see you are holding back? It's the start of a new year and it's the perfect time to identify some areas where we are holding back or not standing our ground. God has called us to walk confidently and boldly into the plans and purposes that he has for each of our lives, holding nothing back, being who we are unashamedly and speaking truth unapologetic because nothing, absolutely nothing we do for God is waste of time or effort. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Can We All Just Get Along?

Romans 14:1 Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over them every time they do or say something you don't agree with- even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently. 

The title of this chapter in Romans is, "Cultivating Good Relationships." The entire chapter is so good but this first verse really hit home for me. We can be so opinionated and pushy about scripture, life issues, decisions of right and wrong, etc. that we forget that we don't know everything and neither do the people around us. God also calls his people to different things at different points in life that may or may not fit the lifestyle of others. He is a personal God, and the things that we will be called to do or not do will be different than the things that he calls or does not call those around us to do.  It also says in verse 11, "Eventually, we're all going to end up kneeling side by side in the place of judgment, facing God. Your critical and condescending ways aren't going to improve your position there one bit." Ultimately, when we come to the end of this life on earth, we will stand before God and not each other. We are all in relationship with people that have differing opinions from our own and that is OK. There is a place for accountability and healthy, loving correction but it's time we embrace the differences of others instead of criticizing and condemning our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

We Come To Gather, Together

Church, some call it a building, for others it is an optional part of their Christian walk. As I watched the New Life family that I've become apart of, come together to worship this morning, I couldn't help but be so uplifted by the pursuit of Christ that was happening among his people. Church isn't just a building or a hospital for broken people to get "fixed", it is a gathering together of imperfect people that is meant to challenge, encourage, inspire, and uplift. We were made for community. It is so important that we purposefully position ourselves in a body of believers where we can grow and find accountability and become a part of a family that will welcome us with open arms. 

A large number of people avoid church and even cringe at the mention of it because they have been rejected, offended, hurt or frustrated by the church. Let me tell you, you are not going to find any church where you will not be hurt or offended at some point in time. As I mentioned earlier, the church is made up of imperfect people who make mistakes. It's time we realize that just because we're gathering together with a group of Christ followers does not mean that everyone is perfect and has it all figured out. Let's give grace and extend forgiveness to each other just as Christ did for us. Let's learn from our own mistakes as well as from others'. Let's take the time to be thankful for each other and the unique way that God is working in each of our lives. We are the church, it's time we get out of the rut of just coming to gather and come together in unity, moving forward into all God has called us to.