Friday, February 7, 2014

Failing To The Top

"If Babe Ruth had had the philosophy, "Failure is not an option," then you and I would have never heard of him. Why? Because not only did Babe Ruth set a world record for home runs, he also led the league in strikeouts." -The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

I have been so challenged by this statement made by Jeff Olson in his book, The Slight Edge. I am realizing that there have been many opportunities that I have passed by or chosen not to get involved in because I was afraid of failure. Jeff Olson also said, "Successful people fail their way to the top!" I think it is so easy to want to go straight to the top financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but I often struggle to step out and do the things that may cause me to fail the first, second, and tenth times I try them. I have just begun to see the freedom that comes with allowing myself to fail, to make a total mess of things and be OK with it. Not only does it bring freedom, it also creates an atmosphere of peace. It takes the pressure and anxiety out of trying to be perfect at things I may be trying for the first time or things that I have attempted over and over again. It is better to have tried something than to look back with regret at the things that I let pass me by, simply because I was afraid to fail.  

What is that exciting opportunity you've let pass you by? What new thing(s) have you wanted to try? Do it. Step out in boldness, knowing that failing at something does not mean that you're a failure as someone. Your worth as a son or daughter of Christ is not in failure, it is secure in Him who made you to step out in faith and try new things even when you don't get it right every single time. Why? Because each time we fail, we learn something new.