Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Choice Morsels

Proverbs 26:22 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts. 

Words. They have the power of life and death. I'm sure you can remember a time in the past or recently when something was said behind your back and made its way back to your ears. When negative things are passed along that may or may not be true of us, it hurts. As humans we have a desire to belong and to be accepted by those around us, and when we are rejected or find out about negative things that have been said of us, it can go down to the inmost parts of who we are. 

Think about a particular time when gossip was spread about you. How did it make you feel? Chances are it didn't make you feel accepted and loved by the ones who were spreading the gossip. It's so easy to become entangled in spreading gossip or talking about others behind their backs. However, it's important that we take time to remember those times in our lives when we were hurt by the outcome of words that were said before we start or even participate in gossiping about others. The words you allow to come out of your mouth are your choice, let them be life-giving.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Medicine or Dried Up Bones

"To be cheerful is to be ready to greet others with a welcome, a word of encouragement, an enthusiasm for the task at hand, and a positive outlook on the future. Such people are as welcome as pain relieving medicine." 

This was commentary in my Bible for the verse in Proverbs 17:22 that says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." It got me thinking about the influence that I have on the people around me. Do I leave the people in my life feeling like they have been uplifted and encouraged or do I leave them feeling the opposite way? Does my presence err on the side of a pain relieving medicine or on the side of sickness and disease? 

Our presence in the lives of others is leaving behind one or the other whether we realize it or not. It's hard to have that honest moment with ourselves when we really analyze the tracks we've been leaving behind in the lives of those around us. Yes, we all have bad days, days when we wish we could re-do a thing or two or take back something or some things we said. However, what would most people say of your demeanor? Your ability to heal or leave wounds? If you are ready for an honest answer and will accept it, it's a great thing to ask some of your closest friends and family. We all want to matter, we all want to leave a legacy that people will remember for years after we are gone. Will yours be a legacy of life-giving medicine or dried up bones?  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Unrealistic Expectations

Have you ever secretly been upset with someone that knows you well when they didn't come through for you on something? Did you happen to communicate your need? 

A hard but necessary lesson I've had to learn is that other people, even those people in your life that know you well, do not know what you need unless you communicate the need. I've been under this assumption that my family and friends who know me very well, know what I need from them and when I need it. Something as simple as a hug or some encouragement seems so easy to expect from others when we're in need of it. However, no one is you. Other people don't know what you're feeling and thinking unless you communicate that with them. I think a lot of us make this assumption that those around us know what we need and are deciding to withhold it from us which causes us to become upset, frustrated or feel like they don't care. In reality, they may not have known what you needed because you didn't communicate with them, it wasn't to spite you or withhold from you something you wanted or needed. Communicating our needs to those that we need love, encouragement, time, advice, etc. from is very important in managing our feelings and taking care of our needs. God created us to live in and need the community of those around us, but we cannot assume or expect others to know when and what we need unless we ask. Make it a goal to communicate with your family and friends what you are needing from them and see if that doesn't help you and improve your relationship with them. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Way I Want You To

"But now, I don't negotiate with insecurities
They always seem to get the best of me
I found I had to love myself, the way I want you to."

I was recently listening to a song that had the lyrics that I shared above. I learned the song quickly and began to sing along and realized after a few times of singing it, what the lyrics really meant. It's so easy to sing songs and not really grasp what the lyrics are saying. 

This song's message is that we have to love ourselves the way we want others to love us. If you really think about it, it's a hard thing to do. Love yourself, not in a boastful and selfish way, but the way you want others to love YOU. When we begin to love who we are, love who we were created to be, it's a whole lot easier for other people to love us. Think about it. When someone you love, loves themselves and is confident in their own skin, it's easier to embrace who they are. Not that you shouldn't love those that are not confident and comfortable with who they are, we all have insecurities. But when we are able to love the person God made us to be, we are free to then focus on pouring out love to those around us. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Embrace Elders

Proverbs 12:1
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge; but whoever hates correction is stupid.

Have you ever been told to respect your elders? There is good reason for that instruction. Our elders, or those that are older than us have lots of wisdom to share with us. They've had more experience, they've lived more life, and simply put, they just know more than we do. I can remember several times as a kid thinking I knew best and detesting what my parents had to say but then later realizing that they were right all along (that still happens even though I'm not a child anymore). We all have times in life, even as we get older, that we think we know best and end up finding out later that an older and wiser person was right. Those times are learning experiences for sure, but it should remind us that we have quite a bit to gain from the wisdom of others. Think of the people in your life that are older, wiser and willing to offer their correction to you. It can be frustrating, embarrassing and humbling but it can also be a chance for you to learn, grow and become better. No matter how old you are, there is someone older than you that you can gain wisdom, correction and advice from. Listen to it. Embrace it. Grow from it.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Giving Gone Generous

Proverbs 11:24-25
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

These verses, just like the verse I wrote about in my last blog go against what our culture promotes. The world tells us that if we give, of our finances, our time, our energy, our talents, we will become bankrupt, lacking what we are somehow entitled to. I'm in a season where God is asking me to give as these verses in Proverbs challenge us to do. I say challenge because it isn't always the easy or most rewarding thing to do. It's hard, and we don't always see the fruit from our giving as we'd like to. Still the challenge remains. When we begin to respond to who and what God is calling us to give to, he will entrust us with more and provide us with opportunities to meet the needs of others. We can NEVER out-give God. He's a God of more than enough, and it all belongs to him anyway.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Due Time

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

Have you ever done something for someone or for a certain cause that required some sacrifice and in return received little or no appreciation and/or recognition? At times that doesn't feel very good, it certainly doesn't feel fair. In today's culture it's all about promoting yourself and making a name that's known among people. That is why this verse in 1 Peter does not make sense to many people. We are told to be humble and allow God to lift us up? In his timing? What? 

The first two words, "humble yourselves" require a heart that is not boastful or proud. That kind of character is difficult for a lot of people who like to enlighten others of all their good deeds and accomplishments in life. The second thing this verse tells us, is that it will be in "due time". Due time does not mean our time. We often want the praise and recognition at the time of the event. However, due time does mean in God's time, which isn't always when or how we think it should be facilitated.

Remaining humble and waiting for God's timing to receive praise? It's hard. But that's why the next verse says this, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." When it seems like there is no reason for hope, remember that the God of all creation sees what you have done, are doing and are going to do to further his kingdom on this earth. You may or may not receive the benefits or fruit from all you've done here, but you can be certain that you will in heaven because the things we do here to advance his kingdom will have eternal rewards.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Stay the Same

James 1:17 He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

Have you ever questioned God after something in your life changed to make things harder or worse? Did you point your finger and say something like, "You said you'd never change and look what happened! Where are you now?" There are lyrics to a song by Casting Crowns that say, "You are who you are no matter where I am." There are times in life when circumstances and situations change on a daily basis. We as Christians have a head knowledge that God is always the same, but our heart tends to disagree. It's extremely difficult not to point our finger at God and blame him for the change that occurs in our lives. However, the verse in James does not say, "Circumstances and situations never change or cast a shifting shadow." It says He, meaning God, never changes or casts a shifting shadow. Our lives will be a series of changes that bring us in and out of hard times, but we can be secure in the fact that even when those changes come, our God will always stay the same.