Saturday, October 6, 2012

Transparent Tears

"Let your tears come. Let them water your soul." ~Eileen Mayhew

Let this love letter for you from God speak to your heart....taken from Sheri Rose Shepherd's book His Princess...Love letters from Your King

I see how hard you to try to handle your heart, and I know you want to live a life without heartaches or pain. I'm asking you to take a step closer to your Father in heaven by crying out to Me when you hurt. Let Me heal you. Remember My chosen, King David? He cried out to Me in his fears, disappointments, and sin, and I answered. You are also My chosen one, and you are My daughter/ it's okay to cry. I don't expect you to pretend that pain is not real. It is truth and tears that will give you the freedom that I want you to know. Now let go of that part of your heart that only I can heal. Let your heavenly Daddy hold you while you cry.
Your King who wipes away your tears

Often times we cover up the very feelings that God has called us to reveal to Him. We hide what's underneath so that we come across as someone who has it all together. The truth is we all make mistakes and have problems, it's okay to be vulnerable and transparent with the One who knows what we feel before we share it with Him. He wants to hear from you and He wants you to know it's okay to cry.

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