Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beyond Blessed Part 1

This is my first blog since before I left for Swaziland, Africa. The experience is something that can't be captured with words because it goes so much deeper. Pictures of the kids and the people there continually run through my head reminding me of toothy smiles, sweet laughter and tears of sadness and joy. For me, God brought new perspective through this experience. He revealed to me the outpouring of blessing that has been flowing through my life as I saw kids caring for younger siblings as a result of no parental care, the poverty and lack of village people living out of small huts, the pure looks and touches of adoration towards our team as the kids received love and attention. The opportunities for God to show me the blessing in my life were endless. I sit here now, on the patio with my laptop knowing this luxury alone is more than they would ask for. I can't fully express the impact that was made in my life. Africa and the people there are engraved on my heart forever.


  1. Kylie, that is so awesome. I believe God is doing a deep work in your heart. Listen for & obey His still small voice...

  2. Amazing B! We think God uses us in missions to touch others....which is true, but.....He uses them just as much to change us!!!
